Sunday, February 24, 2019

Feb 25-Mar 3 Bookmarks

I'm beginning to love these blog posts so I can let you know what I've been up to!

This week, it's hit me how close Simple Treasures Boutique is and how INCREDIBLY unprepared I am. But the Lord has performed several little miracles on my behalf that have helped in this aspect. One thing I was worried about was inventory. I had half of what I needed and didn't have the budget to replenish  the rest. Then, one day, while I was writing in my business notebook, I received a FLOOD of inspiration! So many ideas came flowing faster than I could write. Now, I know I can't do all of these ideas, but it was so great to have so much to choose from.

I've decided to have a whole bunch of EGG STUFFERS! Last night, I hired a friend to come over and help me with these tags and envelopes.

I've also started making Page Wreaths. This is the first one I did- and it has already sold!!! I'm so stoked. I'm going to try a couple of different styles this week on top of this one.

I still have FAR more ideas than time, but I'd like to know- what non-candy things do you put in YOUR eggs and what Spiritual Gifts do you give for Easter?

I do know what you actually came here, for, so here ya go! A reminder to right click, save as.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Feb 18-24 Bookmarks

Can I tell you how much I love this class?! On the one hand, it's teaching me good habits that I have desperately been lacking (*cough, record-keeping, cough*), but on the other hand, it's confirming that what I have going here really is a good thing! Now if I can just stay focused and make time to paint more, things would be so much better!

On that note, I'd love to hear your feedback about my business. Reviews on my etsy page, comments on the blog, shares on IG or FB go a LONG way for me. Both for my confidence and to reassure me that I'm doing what the Lord wants me to. Thanks so much for being part of my tribe.

Without further ado, the bookmarks for the coming week. Note that the graphic on the tri-fold is NOT by me, but the website where I found it IS on the bookmark itself. Remember to right-click and save as to get these images on your computer.

Hold up, one more thing. You know I work in themes, right? So here are a few of my LIGHT themed pieces, available in the store. I'll even link them for you so you can purchase them easily. If you want a lot of them, I recommend using the 5 5x7 feature to mix and match!

Naturally, I have them all combined in SCRIPTURE STICKERS! These are my pet favors right now.

I did realize that several of these are NOT in the shop. If you like any of the following and want it available as prints, please either comment here or send me a message on IG or FB and I'll get it in the shop ASAP.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Feb 11-14 Bookmarks

Before I present  the bookmarks this week, I want to announce that I'm doing something a little different this month.
So be sure to get yours soon! I'll be at the next Simple Treasures show and they could totally sell out there!!

Alright, so here are next week's bookmarks! Right click, save as!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Feb 4-10 Bookmarks

As promised, here are the bookmarks for this week. Remember, all you have to do is right click and save as. I'd LOVE to see photos of you using them!!!